Monday, April 18, 2011

I Love These Little Words Of Wisdom

Dear Terrific Girl,

It's so important to seek out the beauty that life has to offer, or life can get quite unappealing.

It's so important to look for the good instead of the bad, and to see all of the wonderful little things all around you rather than letting yourself feel annoyed by other little things that really aren't important.

Try to find peace, and then remember that feeling and seek out whatever it takes to get back to that feeling when you seem off track or uneasy. When life feels dark, just step into the light. One step at a time. And before you know it, the darkness is gone.

Every day there are a million choices competing for your time, your brain space, and your commitment.

Go where the peace is. Go where the beauty is. Go where the good stuff is. Most of it is just a choice. Use the gift of choice wisely!

You know this stuff. Just remember to remember it!

Enjoy your day,

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